Monday, October 5, 2009

ME and DONNA MARTIN will Graduate!! I am I've been busy..I actully have...until recently I really didnt know what it meant to be overwhelmed! I am about 2 months into college...pat on the back for me!!!! HELL YAH GO ME!!! It's not high school by any means..if I miss something on an assignment they dont call my parents and I dont get grounded!! Woohoo!! Anyways...90210 was(is) my favorite show...and if you can remember Donna Martin with her learning disability?? Well i've come to the conclusion...I am Donna Martin!!! I have not learned an absolute thing yet...I've done good on my assignments.. but there hasnt been much of a knowledge requirement yet.. As much as I hate admitting something is wrong.. I have taken matters into my own hands..aka trying to get some drugs! I went back to the psych doctor who tells me I'm bipolar and weird...and charges an arm and a leg and a hand a foot..and eyeball and get the picture. Well supposably they dont just hand out ADHD meds..well DUH! I am officially going to 2 psych doctors thats gonna give me the pills baby and one that gives me tests that have 700 questions a sitting. I took the first one on wasnt a hard test..basically asking stupid questions like do I get really hyper -YESSS!!- do i have a million thoughts going through my mind at one time -YESSS!!!- do i get really really excited and slur all my words together when I talk - YES!!!!- Say weird off the wall things? -YES!! (LOL HAHA)- Do I ever get the urge to kill someone? -NO!!!- That was literally a question..there were so many more like that ..I cant remember because my memory is shot..but seriously?? Is it an ADD test or is it a test thats going to put me in a straight jacket? By the time they grade my 700 question tests..I will already be flunked out of school...I'll flunk out knowing how many bricks are going up the wall and how many cracks are in the ceiling though! I'll keep you posted..hopefully I wont post a picture of me in a straight jacket!! =)


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