Wednesday, October 21, 2009

get a gps like me so you dont drive through the building

Kanye West interrupts God during Genesis

I swear sometimes I think God has given me this job as some sort of practical joke. HAHA Thats a good one God.. hold on I'll let you finish...but I think balloon boy was the best hoax this year. Do you ever feel like people can't be as dumb as they really are...seriously though I am by no means a genius..or do I have much street smarts...But at least when I talk to people I make it seem as if I do!

I think I've talked about my job before..but I am located in the not so good part of not to stereotype or anything but there are nothing but freaks and skanks round herrrr. Lets take this most recent lady that I just got off the phone with..she calls and she's looking for one of our buildings...I'm horrible with directions I probably couldn't even tell you how to get to the bathroom in my office. But this place I do know where it is..the street is Washington Avenue..the street goes all the way through the town..sure maybe it's split up by something. ok here it goes...

freak: "girrrrlfraaand I think I'm lost"

me: " ok well tell me where you are trying to go"

blah blah..she explains it...and I make sure she is even on the east end..

skank: "these houses only go up to 1500's"

me: "well the road is not over. it continues on the other side of the capital"

skank: she says ohhh do i need to drive through the capital?"

whoa whoa..surely she doesnt mean that..but yes she did..I even gave it a thought and was like maybe she didnt mean that...then she flips out..."well how the hell am I supposed to get over there to that side then?"

I'm all like muting the phone and giggling at someone that is dumber than me..I get back on the phone and explain to her how to drive around the capital and then you turn back on washington and the numbers will resume.

It's been such a frustrating week talking to these people..maybe I'm being irrational, but some people just need their nose all blooodied. I'm grouchy because I started a friigggin diet on monday. So technically I'm effing starving. There ain't nothing like a piece of lettuce for lunch to fill ya up...NOTTT!!!!! 3 days down...and no murder scene...



Dionne C said...

lol, some people are soooo weirdly oblivious to the obvious. Dang! I can't believe she asked that!!

Living with Balls said...

Wow. It's hard to believe anyone can be that dumb.

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