Friday, September 17, 2010

Short n sweeeeeet and no point ...heyyyy

Wow oh wow..have I actully been busy. I dont even think I could sum my past few weeks up in one post...


Thats what my life consists of at all times...I dont even have time to get laid (ill blame it on that ok)

And technically I've become pretty facking boring. Im not even fun anymore (SIIIIIKE)...but when I get a chance I dont even want to go anywhere. How superlame..whats up couch potato..right??

I had a birthday a few weeks ago...26...yah...I'll talk about it later.

Anyways...Random ramble..

Do you ever have one of those moments when you feel like you are looking in on your life and you're not really in it? It's a show...and you're watching it and you're all like ...seriously.

The saying "OUT OF MY MIND"
yup thats me....
I'm just lost...
It's not like I'm depressed...I'm very happy no doubt..but I just need something..don't know what. But I'm looking for shit...
