Monday, November 23, 2009

oh my oh my ...what has gotten into me? I have been super feisty this smorning and as a matter of fact it's getting on my damn nerves. I always tell myself I'm going to be a meaner person..omg wasn't I just talking about that in my last post..well eff it. I don't like being like sucks I even took a couple extra prozacs and I'm still telling people to get outta my face.

One of the guys that does work for us called me this smorning...for like the 8th time. And he's all like ohh gosh misty I'm sorry to bother you I'm all making faces on the other side of the phone like blah blah what the fuck is it this time.

And out of the thoughts became words I's ok you get on my nerves all the time anyways. wow yup I said that out loud to an would be different if I would have said it sarcastically..but I couldnt even play it off.

So what's my deal? Lord I wish i knew ..I think it's the fact that I've come to realize that I am spending christmas alone this year. Last year I was alone...but it wasnt reality yet. But I'm fine being alone..just kinda bothered by the fact that Doggydaddy used to always get me kick ass presents...and not gonna get that anymore. damn. now thats my problem.

One more bitchy thing...I get drunk and make new friends. I give them my number but don't bother to get theirs cause I don't want to be responsible for actully calling. But these people really like me and they really call...point is ...leave and effin voicemail because I'm not answering ur random ass number cause I dont do small talk. If you're gonna call me ..text me first and tell me who you are. Then I'll consider it....Thanks.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

weeeeekend comee backkk..i miss you way in hell was that the weekend? I didn't even see it. I feel like I just got off work on weekend should be's 4 days long. What oh what will i do??

Let's get yall effin updated...want to??

I am officially on Thanksgiving Break from school!!! very exciting..but would be a lot better if I was off work too...just gotta work till wednesday shouldnt be that bad!

Diet- I have been on a diet for what seems like and eternity eating only salad monday through friday..i've lost 8 lbs ..but I think i gained 9 today..cause I ate a big ol fat hamburger. Back on track tomorrow. Maybe if I start working out I could double that number...haaa I'll get right on that. Sex is a good workout...maybe I need a "friend"

Can't wait to eat all that turkey n i'll only do diet until T-day.

Went out this weekend of course cause I'm a freakin lush..nothing exciting happened other than me realizing that I'm getting too old to do what I do..but it never stops. I go to the bar so I don't meet the "one" Bahaaaha I don't know bout that of my friends met her husband in a bar and they have been married for a bout 3 years and 2 kids. Sooo hey it could happen..I hope not though. I'm avoiding finding love until I'm 30..cause quite frankly I'm in love with myself right now and don't have time to share myself.

There was these girls at the bar don't get me is a dancing bar. And I shake what my momma gave me...once I catch a double super buzz. But these girls were nasty hoes. Not high class like me and my friends. alright alright..that was taking it a lil far. let me elaborate on these biiiitches.

skank number one...every bit of 6 foot 6. which would totally work if you werent a skank cause that could be hot if you werent looking for a boyfriend. but this girl is wearing..please make a mental picture..her wrangler tapered wrangler mom jeans...a white tube top that was pit stained bigger than shit..and of course if I'm leaving the house wearing my finest..i gotta grab my tennis shoes and go walk through a puddle of mud right? yah not kidding..she was wearing mud with a lil bit of tennis shoes on the side.

her friend..lace black shirt..nothing but a bra underneath..and a muffin top to match. cant even say more..

im not one to haha but their clothes wasnt the problem..legs was obviously a stripper. she was doing leg kicks..and then the dallas cowboy jump split thing. and then she would lay on the floor with her legs spread and hump the floor like she was gettin some. and her friend was her prop. i wish i still had my digital camera..faaack.

On a lighter not...did I mention I don't have school alll WEEEEEK!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

girl craaaazy

OHHH EM GEEEEE...ya'll remember back in the day when I was telling you about all those tests I was taking for my ADHD/Bipolar/CRAAAAZY. This right here sums it up. final appointment was supposed to be yesterday. Results were in..and it was time for my diagnosis. Aka time to get drugs and be normal. Appointment at 5:30...bitch calls me at 4:45...hers how our convo goes..we'll call her Slunt...
Me: Hello
Slunt: Hi..sorry I waited so long to call you, but we need to postpone your appointment.
Me: What? Why? Ive got finals coming up?
Slunt: Well theres been a slight problem with your test..
Me:'re kidding , there ain't noway in hell I'm taking that thing again.
Slunt: No no...we have you're test 95% done..theres just this one part..
Me: one part?
Slunt: yes..the test has calculated with the result of something we have never seen before
Me: you gotta be kidding I am crazy no doubt?
Slunt: Well it doesn't mean that...we just have to get someone else to look into your results.

Me: You can't even tell me whats wrong a lil bit?

Slunt: No, I don't want to worry you. Let's just wait until someone else looks at it.

Me: !*#*$*$$*$*!!! and @$*%*%*##@#@

Slunt: ok?

Me: alright me later to set up a time

Slunt: Well we will be out of the office for 2 weeks for Thanksgiving. Ill call you when we get back.

Me: !*#*%(@#( )@#($($($(

CLICK!!! yah not cool right..So maybe I'll get my test results back and get everything straighted out before next year. Considering that is only a month away. This is just insane. Straight up insane..I guess kinda like me.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


This stupid weekend! Why couldnt it last one more day!! 2 more weeks and there will be a 4 day weekend...jackpot biiiiitches!!!!

Lets see....
Friday night...was gonna go out then decided not to.. THEN decided to go ahead and head out mistake. Go out with one of my friends that claims guys stalk her if she sees them in more that one place. Good friend of mine but damn ...its just a coincidence. End of the night..paranoid friend goes home with this dude she is talkin to aka basically bangin..and I get a ride home from a friend.

He drives a jacked up truck and I'm all like wow it would be cool to just randomly go 4wheelin..sooo it just so happens there is this road they are building that goes up the holler...kinda blocked off with a gate..we go around though cause we are badasses. yaddy yaddy..nothing cool up there..we come back down and get going on our merry little way..and the sirens song was on..they said put your hands up we're playing your song. yes....we are getting pulled over by not 1...not 2..but 3 city cops.

Luckily ol boy I was with didn't drink...they do all that bullshit and I get to sit there and be wasted cause I totally wasn't drinking. The cop was checking his ID..and both of our windows are down cause thats what the 5-0 said to do on the intercom..

I'm giggly..cause I have an obsession with the I'm all llike maybe I can give him my number..ol boy drivin is like Misty theres a cop standing at your window. I look over...yup that one didnt walk back to the cruiser..I said well aren't you sneaky.he didnt like me or think that was funny

Saturday night BORING!!!!!!!!!!! Went out again with another friend..we usually always have a good time..but it was just a shitty night socially. Everyone I guess fell asleep..and we were the only champs that made it out to

I need a new life...this one is getting old. I also need a rich boyfriend that is hot. And a personal assistant to take care of everything for me, like make me drinks and sandwiches. I've gotta go to bed yall...this post was absolutely pointless..but you are more well informed of exciting my life is...Bahahaha

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

If you dont like it....don't look

MY MIND IS RACING!!! seriously I bet if there was a race right now I would thoughts are out of control. I'll be completely honest with you..I'm a little overwhelmed at the moment and it is causing a little bit of anxiety. And I dont have a damn doctor that can give me some xanax either. Anyways...enough complaining..I get to complain for one second a day..that was I have to feel's the law!!

Alright I just need to share a little funny story with how my sick sense of humor gets me in trouble. I like to joke around..a lot ..I do not really have a serious bone in my body..what fun is that. My family doesn't like it..but that's me and they have to love me.

I am on facebook...and I dont really use it to talk to people..I use it to stalk basically. Well it's like keeping in touch..but I don't tell them they look great and all that. Well there are people on there that I talk to ..but I have over 350 friends..and talk to about 10. Kinda like my address book in my blackberry. ;)

I do status updates to purely entertain, most of the time they arent even true..and if they are you wouldn't know. Most of the time...they are along the lines of ..."blazin that shit up with johnny hopkins and sloan kettering" or random quotes from my distorted brain...

Point to my story...

I cuss a lot....a lot lot..therefore a few of my family members ask me to be their friend..therefore I say hell no..cause I cuss and they go to church. But there are some family members I accept just because. Friends from the beginning..they see all my cussin and blazin stories...and by the way I dont even smoke wacky weed so technically I can talk about it..

But one bad day..and my bad words are like the devil. If I want to drop the F bomb I can..because that's why my page is private..kinda like a rated R movie..if you don't want to see the adult material ..don't buy the ticket...and sit through the whole movie and then complain cause you seen weiners and vag.

My F bomb caused a lil disturbance in my family...All of a sudden I have mental problems because I say dirty words. So in the other words....faaaaack put me in a straight jacket bitches ;)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Well Hello!!! It's time I get my ass back on the bloggity wagon. I fell off. Ok so let's start with an update of my life. Last weekend, Halloweeeeeen Party..I think I posted a pic..yulp I did..not very good one. Fun party..weird it when nights are unexplainable.

Still on the effin diet...still bitchin..still wanting a damn pizzza. Gonna get it this weekend...u bet ur bottom dolla.

I have recently mentioned workin in the hood here ...but the other night things got a lil craaazy. A guy got murdered across the by...yah seriously what is this ..where are the goodfellas. Not a joke that a guy got killed..that is sad..but what on earth is happening to this city. goodness...same night of the drive office gets broken into. get to work and the back wall is all busted down and the door is i need to say seriouslyyyy??? we have no idea who it was..but I'm doing my own little private investigation ...I would love to be a PI..that would be soo much fun. And I also want to be one of the guys on CSI ...that would rock my world.

I'm so not done talkin..but I'm off to make my brain bigger!! HA ;)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Well Halloween weekend is over...went to a party last night. Lots of random costumes...heres a pic of me and my girls...they were sluts..I was stoned.

Then came this..and ruined my whole night...
Blackberry in the toilet...badass...never knew how much that thing meant to me..i mean holy shit..i cried...
More on the party tomorrow...I gotta go to bed ..this time change thing is wicked. ;)
