Sunday, November 22, 2009

weeeeekend comee backkk..i miss you way in hell was that the weekend? I didn't even see it. I feel like I just got off work on weekend should be's 4 days long. What oh what will i do??

Let's get yall effin updated...want to??

I am officially on Thanksgiving Break from school!!! very exciting..but would be a lot better if I was off work too...just gotta work till wednesday shouldnt be that bad!

Diet- I have been on a diet for what seems like and eternity eating only salad monday through friday..i've lost 8 lbs ..but I think i gained 9 today..cause I ate a big ol fat hamburger. Back on track tomorrow. Maybe if I start working out I could double that number...haaa I'll get right on that. Sex is a good workout...maybe I need a "friend"

Can't wait to eat all that turkey n i'll only do diet until T-day.

Went out this weekend of course cause I'm a freakin lush..nothing exciting happened other than me realizing that I'm getting too old to do what I do..but it never stops. I go to the bar so I don't meet the "one" Bahaaaha I don't know bout that of my friends met her husband in a bar and they have been married for a bout 3 years and 2 kids. Sooo hey it could happen..I hope not though. I'm avoiding finding love until I'm 30..cause quite frankly I'm in love with myself right now and don't have time to share myself.

There was these girls at the bar don't get me is a dancing bar. And I shake what my momma gave me...once I catch a double super buzz. But these girls were nasty hoes. Not high class like me and my friends. alright alright..that was taking it a lil far. let me elaborate on these biiiitches.

skank number one...every bit of 6 foot 6. which would totally work if you werent a skank cause that could be hot if you werent looking for a boyfriend. but this girl is wearing..please make a mental picture..her wrangler tapered wrangler mom jeans...a white tube top that was pit stained bigger than shit..and of course if I'm leaving the house wearing my finest..i gotta grab my tennis shoes and go walk through a puddle of mud right? yah not kidding..she was wearing mud with a lil bit of tennis shoes on the side.

her friend..lace black shirt..nothing but a bra underneath..and a muffin top to match. cant even say more..

im not one to haha but their clothes wasnt the problem..legs was obviously a stripper. she was doing leg kicks..and then the dallas cowboy jump split thing. and then she would lay on the floor with her legs spread and hump the floor like she was gettin some. and her friend was her prop. i wish i still had my digital camera..faaack.

On a lighter not...did I mention I don't have school alll WEEEEEK!!!!!!


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