Tuesday, October 6, 2009

1234 Looney Street Apt. ADD

Well today was another appointment with the psych doctor...she thought I was a nut!! very observant woman! todays testing was more "school" related they called it..aka kindergarten WoW that shit makes me feel like an idiot! I'm almost tempted to quit going because the more I find out about this stupid issue of mine ..the worse it makes me feel. Not depressed or anything ..but shit cock balls yall ...she read me a story and told me to say it back to her...and I didnt have a clue what she said!! It was a story about uhhh the dog jumped over the fence and went down the street and blah blah..not fun. This is a major problem...I dont like it ..first of all walking in the office is bad enough its in a weird neighborhood ...I go after hours because of work..so I guess thats when the people go that don't want anyone to see them go there...screw that I want everyone to see me going into the crazy building...they dont know if I'm gonna snap on them or not so they stay away..anyways these people in the office are there for other reasons than I am ...no reason..just guessing ;) The math part comes up...I'm fine with adding and subtracting..but when ya throw in the stuff I'm already failing in my algebra class...you can forget it..I stared at the page for a minute and that was it..she said let's move on...Good idea sista! Then when I'm leaving there are these old men down the street and one of the guys didn't care I was coming out of the loopyville...he insisted on telling me I was cute and he wanted my number... I said go in there an ask them for it ...they can get it out of my file..I can't write it down for you..my arms are in this straight jacket =)


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