Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nothing important

I had a post that I wrote from my cellphone. I dont know where it went, but it was good. I dont even remember what it was about, but it was good. Speaking of cellphone, I tried to do the jailbreak thing..should have done that with supervision.

Anyways..summer is almost over. 22 days until school starts. 22 effin days until I start doing that no sleep constant reading and looking at pictures of body parts..some just for fun. Its so amazing how fast school has gone by, even though I am not close to being done. But what I have accomplished has gone by fast.

My intelligence is out of control. I have learned so much about myself over the past few years. Not only do I have looks, but I really do have brains.

I have learned that I am a strong person. Hands down...a very strong person. There have been a lot of tough things happen to me in the past few years and it has made me realize that I can handle anything. Pretty much anything..try me.

now watch me have a nervous breakdown tonight.

I joined a dating website. I have seen more penis pictures since I joined than I have in my entire life. Do I like them? Of course I do. My reply to the guys...OHHH WOW that is soooooo cute!!! They love that response.

My profile specifically says I do not want to cyber..and guys still message with sexual propositions or whatever you call something like that. Asking if they can stick something somewhere and I tell them only if I can stick something in somewhere of theirs.

I'm never gonna find a boyfriend with this attitude.


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