Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh snap

I am quadruple-olar.

Why have I not been arrested for some sort of anger problem. But I dont get mad at things that are normal. I get mad over stupid stuff. And not even really mad...just lil emotions like where you lock your teeth together and do that squeeze thing until your face turns a cool shade of purple/red and you do a weird shake thing.

And yes...I am still on Prozac.

Just a few things that pissed me off today...

1)The coffee pot at work has an unidentifiable leak in it...and only leaks all over the table on certain days. Doesnt make sense.

2)I work with an elderly man that feels the need to talk to me alot. I love him to death and usually on a good day we hang out all day. Today..he was in my office a few too many times, saying our normal jokes where hes all like I'm gonna spank you if you're bad...and I'm all like you wish you could.

3) My office phone. Rang at least 74 million times today.

4)The DVR at my parents. Best thing ever for them because I dont think they make VHS tapes anymore.
Anyways...to make a short story long.
My niece picks up a lot of awesome slang words from her awesome aunt. ME.
I taught her to say "ohhh snap" when something is the shit.
My dad loves this and he laughs uncontrollably a lot about it.
There is a home makeover remodel salvage junk yard show that he dvr'd and the people on the show said "ohh snap" twice.

So I'm sitting in the living room on my laptop working(facebook)...and I get summoned to the recliner room.

This is just something I gotta see he says.
Oh wait..hold on..how is it you rewind.
OH yah dad what are you showing me.
Just Wait. Listen.
And there it is....freakin hilarious.
Couldnt you just tell me they said "ohh snap" twice in the whole 30 minute show.

I will refrain from whining anymore. Thank you blog for giving me a place to BITCH.


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