Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm here...and by the way..are your parents strict? I need a place to stay this weekend

Ohh hey yall hey...wondering where I've been? pshh havent we all. I've been going through some mental issues..but as of right now I'm stable. It was touch and go there for awhile..and I could have quite possibly done things I'm not aware of. No..really. I honestly think I have had a mental breakdown on the inside..and it hasn't come out to the outside yet. Ok thats me whining.

I went to the beach last week...which was a much needed time away from my real life. Down there was just pretend life ..and I got to spend a lot of time with BB. And I also got a pretty kick ass tan...and a little bit of burn. The day I got burnt I walked around the condo telling people I had the flu...so they would feel sorry for me and my burn. How sad. I just wanted an aloe rub down from the pool boy ;) There wasnt one though. Fuck.

On another note..I've started a weight loss competition kinda deal with my friend...she lives in tennessee..so the deal is ..whoever loses has to fly out to see the other one. I've gained 10 fucking pounds since we started. I'm officially a member of cheapflights.com now. damnit

But the very important thing I would like to talk about is my new obsession. Pretty little liars. This show is great. Not sure what it is about the show but I am addicted..I even went and got the books. Havent read them yet...but I have them.

Part of the reason I may like this show is because it makes me feel like a freakin teenager...and who doesn't want to feel like a teenager? Being a teenager was my favorite time of my life. I mean hello Z24.

My sister had her 10 year class reunion this past weekend...and seeing her with all of her old friends really makes me miss my old friends and how much fun we used to have. Damn.

Being a stoner and an alcoholic at the age of 16 was so cool. Seriously..we had so much facking fun ...half the stuff I do now doesnt even come close to being that fun.

Isnt it weird how every group of friends has that one friends house that they can stay at and do whatever they want. I loved those kind of friends. I actully looked for friends like that. I was such a fuck up.

I am literally just rambling...maybe next post will be more interesting. ;)

P.S. Remember when I talked about my tanorexia...I had it in that picture. Triple dog dare you to guess which one I am!!! Badass...I know


Anonymous said...

this is perfect...and we all have mental breakdowns on the inside that never come to the outside duh!

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