Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Zac for the crew

I haven't had my prozac for 2 motha effin I'm a lil on edge to say the least. Don't get me wrong...I'm not cured of all my mental issues..I'm just tired of being fat and I'm blaming it on the Zac because I never take blame for anything. Prozac is probably the best thing ever...if you havent ever taken it..strongly suggest you do it. I've been gettin all high and shit on them for about 4 years now. It's like a magic lil pill God sends down from heaven that says here..take this and you will be happy. Well God has to be I'm obviously gonna take the shit. Well what do ya know..God is a GOD!!! that shit is amazing..I don't even cry. Kinda strange but cool. Someone could punch me in the face and I would be like ..nice arm..wanna beer? It's absolutely amazing I tell ya. It puts illegal drugs to shame. Well some of them. But it has made me fat...not the pizza..or cake...the pill did it. ;)


I had just noticed that this post was a draft that I never got around to finishing...I started back on my prozac today..I'm just not cool when I'm not all high and shit. This has been kinda tough not being on prozac my mind is a lil that even the right word. Anyways..people are just starting to piss me off and I have to fix this before its too late and I do something drastic like get myself in jail for assault. Not really ..but maybe.

It's finally friday..and I am bored as heck here at the office. I am the only one here today..and people arent paying rent so therefore I have nobody to talk to. I'm soo ready for the weekend...seems like it took 3 thousand years to get here... I hope it's gonna be an interesting weekend, we will see!! Have a great one!!!


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